As a cherished member of Commercial Construction and Renovation People (CCRP), you’ll enjoy an esteemed position within our exclusive “Members Only” enclave. This secure domain, reserved solely for active CCRP members, serves as your portal to essential industry resources and unparalleled networking prospects.
Professional Membership:
Eligibility: Professionals embedded in the commercial construction realm, wielding decision-making authority in vendor service procurement. This extends to sectors such as retail chains, hotel/motel chains, restaurant chains, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, federal, cannabis, craft brewing, correctional facilities and other commercial sectors.
Begin your journey today to experience the unparalleled benefits of CCRP membership and elevate your presence in the commercial construction community.
*PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP (Membership is complimentary to END USERS/BUYERS ONLY. This category is not open to vendors.) A Professional Membership is granted to anyone employed in the commercial construction industry who qualifies as the END USER/BUYER AND HAS THE AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE VENDOR SERVICES. This would include individuals employed by a RETAIL CHAIN, HOTEL/MOTEL CHAIN, RESTAURANT CHAIN, HEALTHCARE FACILITY, EDUCATIONAL FACILITY OR CORRECTIONAL FACILITY engaged in any of the following as a direct employee of the company: architecture, construction, corporate management, design, energy/utilities, facilities maintenance, information systems, operations, project management, purchasing, real estate, security, or store planning.